This informal library is an opportunity for the public to
engage in the research and processes of some of the artists
and organisations we work with on our projects.


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Today’s the Day

The exhibition is today! It is ready apart from the plants and have they caused me some trouble. However, I am learning to accept their idiosyncrasies and will take them to the gallery this morning. I don’t think we will be eating beans in the gallery, it was a nice idea, might manage a tomato. […]

Nearly there……..where’s there?

Blogs get less as work gets more! We have a formal invite and it looks good. Last week was a whirl of activity and now I am on the final stretch. The last 5 days have been spent in London at the Crisp sound conference at UAL and what a lot I have learnt. In […]

A plan

I have a plan, and a schedule, is this really me talking? I think I am pretty organised generally but this timetabling is something else! And it gets crossed off when it’s done. Continuing my thoughts linking notions of time which probably began on the documented journey, to a shop window in Osnabrück and an […]

Back to Derby

Dear Passengers open studio clip Dear Passengers from Lange Nacht open studio Back in Derby with lots of work to do. Only 4 weeks to the exhibition opening, counting this week, install week and a week when I am going to the sound conference in London. I need to get a move on! I now have […]

Building Bridges 2024 – Work In Progress

Hi Folks, Currently editing the work created in Osnabrück, Germany..  Here’s a glimpse! Excited to present the rest at our Artcore exhibition in the coming weeks! Enjoy Ashley ✌️ #ExperimetalFilm #MovingImage #LOAF

After the Night Before

What a brilliant night at Lange Nacht open studios with visitors still arriving at midnight. At least 300 visitors expected and I think that was achieved. Film of Echoes of the Beach attached as shown in M82, Osnabrück with drawing by Chris Wright and sound responses by Anke Haun, Ashley Morris and Chris Wright. It […]